Jersey Weekender 2019

Following on from the successful power infrastructure of their smaller sister event, Out There, the organisers of Jersey Weekender asked Event Power Engineering Ltd to tender for the supply and installation of power generation and distribution for Jersey’s biggest festival. This event is open to all ages and is open over two days.
We consulted with the festival organisers, discussed their requirements, looked over the previous year’s site plans and put together a proposal. We instantly found ways for reducing the number of generators required while increasing redundancy; something that both parties were very keen to do. Along with the onsite Engineers constantly monitoring demand, this helped to reduce the event’s overall fuel consumption.
The installation consisted of 12 generators including synchronised sets and backups. Throughout the weekend we responded to 13 faults, all of which were down to other suppliers or traders equipment.
One of the challenges faced with this project was the logistics. Being overseas meant that we had to ensure that we planned for every eventuality as we would not be able to source additional equipment once we had prepped the load. We had to ensure that we had adequate back up, spare parts and alternative configurations to suit any needs. This was achieved by thoroughly reviewing each stage, catering, concession and client power supply and factoring in last minute additions.